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Report From PIA – February 26

I walked The Dog about 6:30 this morning, and when we got down to the lake, I saw that the ice had disappeared. “Rapid progress is possible,” I thought. A message, from Spring to me.

This reminded me of the time in the 1980’s when I was in a spiritual study group led by my friend Alaina Zachery. At the end of a late February gathering, we were told that our homework for the coming month was to look at the changing season for a personal message.

Just as this blog calls me to keep my antennae up, that group assignment kept me alert for personal information that might be there in the coming of spring. One day, about two weeks into our assignment, I was making the kids an after school snack when I looked up from the kitchen counter and saw that it was snowing heavily. “Darn,” I thought, “it’s supposed to be spring!”

My kitchen window looked out on the herb garden, and I could see that the chives, already four inches tall, were beginning to be covered by the wet, white flakes.  Staring at those new, green herbs surrounded by snow, I knew what the season was saying to me: Once a commitment to growth is made, growth continues, no matter what seems to be going on around you.

For me, a busy mom who was trying to keep up with artwork, kids, home, a garden, my marriage and developing a spiritual life, this was welcome information.

We can do this on a daily basis… in every situation, we can ask, “What’s here that I need to know?” As winter slowly gives way to spring, be alert for what the season is saying to you.

Suddenly, the ice is gone.

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