Report From PIA – February 19

I sat around the dinner table tonight with a group from Sullivan Renaissance, and we shared stories, experiences,  talk of movies to watch for (the documentary Catfish) and good books recorded on CD.  There was also some discussion about how these things are more and more being communicated on line.

Almost making that point was a facebook post by my friend Marcia, saying that she’s grown chard almost year round, but is not sure that there are many ways to enjoy eating it. Prompting me to share the best recipe for chard that I know. Yes, you can chop it and add it to omelets, soup, pasta sauce etc. But if you want something really tasty, stuff it with cheese and barbeque it.  Here’s how:

Take whole chard leaves, and put the shredded/chopped cheese of your choice down the center rib. Goat cheese is fantastic, but any other variety works well too. Roll the leaf up and fasten it closed with toothpicks – usually 3 per leaf. Brush this roll with olive oil, and toss them all on the grill until wilted and partially charred. (Five minutes per side, turning once.)  Even non-chard eaters will love this recipe.

It is these shared moments – the story of a daughter on facebook, a son’s documentary, her trip to Italy, his favorite type of tomato plant, someone’s favorite book, and a recipe or two that create our web of connectedness. Keep the conversations going.

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