This week I’m loving Salvia patens ‘Blue Angel’. Why do I love this plant? Because it is BLUE, BLUE, BLUE. Not lavender, not purple, but blue. Secondly, it attracts hummingbirds, and thirdly, if you live in colder areas you can dig the roots and save them indoors from year to year like you do dahlias. You can grow Salvia ‘Blue Angel’ from seed as an annual. ‘Blue Angel’ Salvia grows to about 24 inches high but only 12 inches wide, so plant a group of five or more plants about a foot apart to get a really good show. Like most Salvias, this one wants full or part sun…at least four hours of direct sun including the noon hour. Mix Salvia ‘Blue Angel’ with tall yellow marigolds and Cosmos ‘Bright Lights’, for a stunning annual border. Hmmm… I think I’ll do that myself this summer.

There are some times when we welcome the blues...

There are some times when we welcome the blues...

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There are some times when we welcome the blues...
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