Report From PIA – November 10

A comment from John about yesterday’s post got me thinking more about the gifts that come from committing to something positive. In a previous Report From Poison Ivy Acres I talked about how making an effort in a constructive direction can lead to unexpected treasures. Today, John mentioned that he commended me “for coming up with something to post about each day.”

It’s been a bit surprising to me that there’s a topic that speaks to me and provides a subject for each day’s blog. I’ve discovered that having to write every day is truly a gift. I’m forced to keep my eyes and mind open, to sharpen writing skills, and to have my antennae up for ways I can go beyond the usual getting-though-life.

Frankly, all of us are living our days simply hoping that we don’t mess up too badly. We want to pay our bills, put food on the table and do right by our jobs and family. If possible, we’d like to make our communities a better place and occasionally it really would be great to shine.

All of that takes attention away from the deeper issues. If we’re not careful, if I’m not careful, we cheat ourselves and our growth can suffer. How can I remind myself to pay attention to the thoughtful, the spiritual and the deeply personal everyday? It takes discipline, and I’ve found this discipline in a daily blog post.

For me, the commitment to write here every day has been almost magical. Will this continue? I have no idea. But I’m willing to take that leap of faith and to trust that something – God, the garden, or life itself – will speak to me. And if not, that too will be an occasion for growth.

This photograph of a beautiful garden says it all. I want to see the details and the long view. I want to take a seat and rest, thinking about what the garden means to me. I want to be fully present, and be open to all of the incredible possibilities that life offers.

This photograph of a beautiful garden says it all. I want to see the details and the long view. I want to take a seat and contemplate, thinking about what the garden, and the world beyond, means to me. I want to be fully present, and open to all of the incredible possibilities that life offers.

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Whole Life Gardening
This photograph of a beautiful garden says it all. I want to see the details and the long view. I want to take a seat and rest, thinking about what the garden means to me. I want to be fully present, and be open to all of the incredible possibilities that life offers.
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