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Report From PIA – December 10

Some days are like a meadow: a little of this, a sprinkling of that, some flowers, a few grasses, and a bunch of weeds. This is what today was like for me, and I won’t bore you with the details. I did stop and notice, however, that if I looked at this day as I do a meadow, it’s actually very pleasant.

If I stopped to focus on the weeds, I’d be unhappy, and if I only focused on the flowers I’d be missing what went on during the majority of the day. But when I look at it as a whole, I see a very pleasing mix, and I realize that this is a blessing.

Some plain green, some bright spots of color. Weeds mixed with desirable plants. This is a meadow, similar to many of our days.

Some plain green, some bright spots of color. Weeds mixed with desirable plants. This is a meadow, similar to many of our days.

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