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Report From PIA – January 20

I can make more compost and gardens, but I can’t make more time. This is a shame, because there aren’t enough hours in the day. Plant breeders should forget about trying to develop a blue rose and concentrate on a Time Tree. Now there is a trillion dollar plant.

This was on my mind today as I looked at the to-do list, which contained more items than I had time to start or finish. Added onto the “must complete” items are “would like to bring to a close” and “wish I had time for” entries.

I know I’m not alone here. One reason that people ask for low-maintenance gardens is that they don’t have enough time to spend in their landscapes. For those folks that want a pretty garden that doesn’t require much upkeep, I’ll give them a list of plants that will be beautiful all summer with little looking after. Still, it’s up to them to acknowledge that low-maintenance does not mean no-maintenance.

It’s up to all to carefully marshal our time and use it for what’s most important. Making a living, friends and family, and gardening are high on my list, but giving back to the community is right up there as well. The abstract concept of setting priorities is easier for me than day-to-day using time well.

It’s no wonder that we talk about spending time…just like money, we make decisions as to where we put it, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Reminder to self: spend wisely.

If we want a beautiful display that softens the edges of an asphalt driveway as this one does, we need to be willing to spend the time that it takes to plant the containers and water them daily.  Time? As the orphan in Oliver said, "Please, Sir. Can I have some more?"

If we want a beautiful display that softens the edges of an asphalt driveway as this one does, we need to be willing to spend the time that it takes to plant the containers and water them daily. Time? As the orphan in Oliver said, "Please, Sir. Can I have some more?"

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