Report From PIA – February 6
As you know from my post of February 3rd, I appreciate twitter because it connects people. Today I noticed a tweet by Frederic A Brussat that contained a link to a post listing twenty-five reasons that twitter is spiritual. I read them, deciding that I’m in love.
Some of the reasons in Frederic’s post are similar to those that I recently listed as benefits of blogging every day. Posts on twitter are similar to blogs, only more concise. I was particularly taken with the following points on Brussat’s list:
4.) Twitter inspires us to practice hospitality in a time when too often strangers are feared and the “other” is shunned.
6.) Twitter prods us to find the divine energy of joy in our daily lives and to share it with others.
8.) Twitter draws out our playfulness and celebrates, in a variety of ways, the holiness of savoring pleasure and the lightness of being.
Ahhh… those alone would be reasons to celebrate this website and means of communication. But how does this relate to gardening? I suggest that in Brussat’s thoughts about twitter, listed above, you could substitute the word “gardening” for “twitter” and it would all be true.
Gardening inspires us to practice hospitality, prods us to find the divine energy of joy in our daily lives, and draws out our playfulness. There are certainly twenty-five ways that gardening is spiritual, and I’m thankful that we have gardens and twitter to cultivate our connectedness.