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Report From PIA – April 25

I rushed home from the garden center today and quickly changed into jeans so that I could start planting. I wanted to put some sweet-scented roses into the fragrance garden, and I have several plants that I ordered from Big Dipper Farm that needed to get into the soil.

Planting is very satisfying. Our intellect is engaged as we think about the perfect place that will support the growth of each particular selection. We’re fed emotionally because we’re filled with hope and optimism as we expect every plant to flourish and grow. Placing plants in the ground is absolutely life affirming.

In all areas of our lives we are planting, even though we may not be constantly aware that we’re doing so. A remark that’s made without thinking, or an off-hand comment, may take root and grow either into something wonderful or something that we didn’t intend at all.

In our gardens we try and pay attention to putting the right plant in the right place, but shouldn’t we put equal thought into what we’re sowing in other areas of life?

There are so many areas of Poison Ivy Acres that need more plants. Too many gardens have an abundance of bark mulch where there should be things growing. I want to select the right plant for each location, however, and this takes time.

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