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Report From PIA – August 3

One of the joys of growing perennials and flowering shrubs is having the landscape change, even in mid-summer. I love annuals, and the flowers that they produce all summer, but seeing new colors and textures appear in late summer is thrilling…although how did it get to be late summer so quickly?

The Vitex in the entry garden is in full bloom, and the Panicum ‘Ruby Ribbons’ provides color and movement behind it in such a pleasing way. I’m enjoying how these plants look and the fact that they only come into their own at this time of year.

The next time I catch myself bad mouthing a plant because it doesn’t bloom for long, I have to remember the satisfaction that fleeting seasonal pleasures provide.

Gardens can be savored in the same way a good movie, play or art exhibit are enjoyed. We know that they won’t last forever, but we want to fully appreciate the experience as long as we can.

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