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Report From PIA – August 9

I did my last shift at the Strokes of Genius mini-golf fundraiser tonight, and my fellow volunteer and I were talking about our grownup children. One of hers is recently out of school and looking for a job, and she said, “I don’t know how to advise him.”

“Tell him to start with what he’s passionate about,” I said. My thinking is that nothing is certain, so we might as well start down the road that might lead to what we most care for, and see what develops from there. Compromise usually pops up along the way, but beginning with concessions isn’t the most desirable of foundations.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re called to give advise to someone else, it often turns out to be advantageous to take that recommendation yourself?

So I’m thinking about my gardens, writing, speaking and family/community/spiritual life, and reminding myself to always go back to that place of starting with what really matters.

It may be too hot, dry and weedy, and I may feel stuck, but it helps to remember to go back to that place where I’m always committed to growth.

I'm reminding myself about a commitment to growth... some periods are rather bare, with only the structures showing...

But other times are filled with abundant growth. I want to share my passion for cultivation, of the garden and of ourselves.

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