Report From PIA – August 13

As I walk around Poison Ivy Acres, there are some plants that I marvel at for their endurance. Despite a hot, dry season, and given less than ideal irrigation, these plants continue to shine.

Of the five varieties of petunias I planted this year, the Royal Velvet Supertunias from Proven Winners have performed the best. This annual has remained full without pinching, and keeps on flowering despite a hot location in heavy soil.

I’m reminded that frequently our ability to be successful depends on fortitude and the stubbornness to continue showing up with flowers. (Metaphorically, of course, although actual bouquets are effective and appreciated in a variety of situations.) A recent email exchange with a friend reminded me that this is partly what I’m up to here.

I wrote to her about some health issues I’ve been having, and Sheri responded, “I now know that those poignant posts you make are a reflection of your optimism and not your health.” Hopefully my blog posts will be a reflection of a return to health in the future, but in the meantime, showing up with a bouquet of confidence seems to be the percentage play.

In the world of various illnesses, my issues are painful and limiting, but relatively minor and not life threatening. In the grand scheme of things, they aren’t all that important. Better to focus on the splendor and abundance of the garden and to emulate those Royal Velvet petunias…they are the best of colors, purple, and they have staying power.

I've been pinching back leggy petunias all over the property lately, but Royal Velvet has stayed full and in flower. The shrub behind the petunias is Clethera 'September Beauty', in bloom three weeks early just like most other plants this year.

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