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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – September 17

Someone came into the garden center today with a problem that she didn’t really want to solve. Although I offered her an easy answer to her dilemma, she was determined to be angry about the situation instead of resolving her difficulty. She wouldn’t take action in her own best interest.

Because it has been just short of a week since I visited Jerry and Karen Kral’s garden in Rochester, one of his comments ran through my mind. Jerry’s yard is a jam-packed, collectors garden where there are interesting, unusual plants everywhere you turn. As we wandered through this hortaholic’s paradise, Jerry said, “Nobody told me I couldn’t do it…”

Jerry plunged ahead and planted what he wanted, where he wanted it, and it’s marvelous. He made a landscape that worked for him, and ignored the problem of too little space.

It’s worthwhile to honestly look at our gardens and our lives and ask if the barriers are a matter of things that we can’t do, or those that we won’t do?

Jerry has planted the exact style of garden he wanted... can all of us say the same?

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