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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – September 19

I want my 30-year old body back. Yes, I know that this is absolute folly, but as I struggle with hip pain and thyroid issues, I can’t help but wish I could wave a magic wand and make this happen.

One of my promotional postcards contains a quote from philosopher George Santayana that says “To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”

In the garden and in life, this is so very wise…but not always easy.

In the garden, this asks that we put our attention on what is happening right now, be it summer, winter, spring or fall. If we can be fascinated with nature’s processes, this not only serves us as we tend to the gardens, but keeps us involved with, and in the present.

As we go through life, being attracted to the new, fresh and young doesn’t work as well for us as being engaged in the entire process of moving from young to old. Attention to, and curiosity about, all of life might ultimately be more rewarding.

My head and heart know this to be true…yet I still want that healthy, younger, don’t-have-to-think-about-it body that isn’t in pain going up the stairs. Speak to me, George.

The garden calls me to appreciate the changing seasons and be aware of the beauty of the moment, and I’m really, truly trying to do so. I’m also well aware that others struggle with issues far more painful and difficult than mine.

This quote from Santayana suggests that we be grateful and engaged with what we have, and this is always changing. “To be interested in the changing seasons…” will undoubtedly become my mantra from now on.

It's tempting to want to hold onto the garden when it's full, flower-filled and lush from the summer. Impossible, right? I need to savor it as it is, and be appreciative of how it's changing.

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