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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – October 10

Ok, make that my October vacation. I’m back on Poison Ivy Acres after ten days in Arizona and it’s lovely to be home. A change in perspective and landscape is always a good thing, however, and spending concentrated time with loved ones (one husband and two friends) is even more appreciated.

Being away from the same-old-same-old is always stimulating; travel reminds us to value what we have as well as what we’ve yet to learn.

And on this trip there were the desert plants, of course, and my awareness of how they’ve adapted to their environment.  These plants that survive in a very demanding surroundings remind me that life, and growth, is possible everywhere and in all situations. Because this holiday was in celebration of our four birthdays, we’ve all been made aware of growing older and the adaptations we must make in that process.

I’m reminded that even in the most extreme conditions, there are opportunities to endure and to thrive.

Notice how in a small, protected pocket of the Grand Canyon the trees are able to grow taller.

Travel reminds me too that there are many people whose beliefs are polar opposites to mine. I'd say that they are living in a moral and ethical desert and perhaps they feel the same about me. Still, we have much that unites us and my hope is that we can all focus on those common bonds.

Because even in the most extreme conditions, love can grow.

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