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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – December 9

At this time of year I’m greening it up at the garden center. We’re creating custom wreaths, arrangements, swags and boxwood trees for an intense three weeks as we help customers with holiday decorating. Those who trek back through the benches of Poinsettias to reach the area where we’re working invariably make “elves” comments. “So this is where the elves work!”

Well meaning customers aside, it’s pleasant to work with these greens. I love the reverse side of the Port Orford Cedar and the blue Noble Fir. When I want some branches that are especially fresh, I’ll go out to the back and prune the Leyland cypress, Arborvitae and white pine trees that ring the property.

As winter settles in, I enjoy celebrating those plants that even now offer us their greenery. They remind us that spring and new growth is just a season away.

A mantle piece. I had to cut the image out to get rid of the distracting piles of stuff on the tables behind, and this makes it look weirder than it really is. Don't you love that Port Orford cedar that drapes so beautifully, though?

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