Report From An Opinionated Gardener – December 20

Are gardeners better able to be adaptable in other areas of life because we’re used to working with the weather? Or are we more flexible by nature, and therefore more likely to stick with gardening despite the various uncertainties, climatic and otherwise?

Some people really like a sure thing…they want to be able to be in control of as much as possible. Understandable, if ultimately unrealistic. I’ve always thought that people who are drawn to gardening are usually those who are drawn to a challenge. Weather, soil, critters and other wildcards that nature places in our paths are all a part of the experience.

Today we’re having a snowstorm so all over Cape Cod people are making the best of the weather. In my house I’m doing my exercises, moving around and appreciating how well my body is healing after the hip replacement. I’m not able to do a great deal of writing yet (still some anesthesia-brain) but adapting where I need to, and enjoying the snowfall.

Snow covers the plants and the woodpeckers have spent the day going after sunflower chips in the thistle feeder. I've always loved the first snowfall of the season, and do today even if I have to take photographs from the house.

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