Report From An Opinionated Gardener – January 15
I interviewed Rosalind Creasy this morning on GardenLine, and we talked about the new addition of her book, Edible Landscaping. I was interesting to hear her thoughts about how the subject of gardening with edible plants had changed since she originally wrote the book in the mid-1980’s. She said that the public is so much more accepting of edible plants being ornamental at this point, and that there are many more organic and least-toxic solutions to pests and problems.
This lovely book also impressed me because I loved the photographs that showed bright colors being used on garden furniture, pots and structures. She told me that although it has been fashionable to have such things be neutral or white, when she painted these objects in bright colors they made her happy. And when she used the same colors in clients’ gardens it made her clients happy. Now the photos of bright colors in the garden make the readers of her book happy.
Looking through Rosalind’s book made me want to go buy paint. OK, first I might need to get some garden furniture, or shutters and window boxes for the shed, to put that color on, but that’s a minor matter.
Color makes us happy, so what are we waiting for?

The blue door matches the shutters on my house, so I think I'll keep that, for the time being. But how about shutters that are painted the same coral or peach as these dahlia blooms? What about window boxes under those shed windows that are painted a sea-green?