Report From An Opinionated Gardener – February 22
There are seasons when we need to escape. Yes, we need to flee from a long period of rain or bolt away from winter for the sake of our sanity. Yesterday I was writing about embracing the cold season and today I’m acknowledging our need to get away.
Escaping winter doesn’t have to involve a trip to Florida. Yes, the state is further south and warmer at this time of year but really, what a cliché. A break from winter might simply be a short flight-of-fancy. We might read an entertaining book, go walking in a new area or even, I’ve just learned, post something fun on facebook.
My friend Gale posted the following, and you can read for yourself the imaginative responses.
I would like my facebook friends to comment on this status: sharing how you met me, BUT YOU MUST LIE. Thats right, make it up, as random as you want. After you comment, copy this to your status, so I can do the same, I bet half of you won’t read the instructions right…(the idea for this post came from my friend Carolyn who got it from her sister-in-law….and so on.)
C.L. I met my friend Gale when we were both at a nursery and had a huge fight over some Meconopsis betonicifolia, aka Himalayan blue poppies. She was loading the last of them on her cart and I WANTED them, needed them, HAD to have some. It wasn’t pretty. The plants suffered in the skirmish, but a friendship germinated…
Janet I met my friend Gale at her yard sale…she was selling blue poppies and made a FORTUNE! She taught me how to propagate them and now we BOTH are quite wealthy (and bffs too!) Thanks, Gale!
Beth I met Gale while investigating a smuggling operation. I was deep under cover for years. Blue Poppies moving out by the truck load front her “front” aka. residence in Centerville. I am still under cover BTW, posing as a relative. she still hasn’t a clue…
Sheila I met my friend Gale when she was chamber-maiding at a swanky New York “no tell, motel.” (at least that is what she said she was doing) For my part, I was just passing through but was taken with the beautiful garden filled with blue poppies! Had to stop and up popped Gale.
Don’t you love it? Can’t you just see all of those blue poppies? Or is it just my need to break away from below-freezing temperatures?

I wish I had a photo of blue poppies to post here, but I've killed any and all that I've tried to grow. I have none in this garden, during the winter or otherwise. The Pieris is budded up, however, and where there is a garden there is hope. Especially for imagination or a good laugh, if not blue poppies.