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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – March 14

Inch by inch, as I said in my last post. I heard from several people who replied that where they live snow still blankets the landscape. My brother who lives in Atlanta tells me that the Bradford Pear tree outside his window is in full bloom. Spring is on the rise, moving north, but too slowly for those of us who feel winter weary and garden deprived.

The ducks on our pond have been very vocal over the past few days. There are groups passing through Cape Cod and in the early morning it seems like they’ve stopped here for a good chat before moving on. When I go down to the shore in the early morning to see them, I notice that some of the shrubs lining the water’s edge are turning red.

I take notice, and go into the garden center to check on my tomato seedlings. They are a brave one inch tall and it’s hard to believe that in eight short weeks they’ll be over eight inches high and being moved into vegetable gardens. These tiny plants remind me that although I want to push the season forward now, within not too many days I’ll be juggling consultations, speaking, writing and my own garden work. I’ll be rushing out of the house by 7:30 instead of taking The Dog for a leisurely morning stroll down to the lake. Reminder to self: tomorrow morning, savor the look of the sky in the water, and the conversation of ducks.

Yesterday morning, 7 AM. You can just barely see some groups of ducks along the distant spit of land.

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