Report From An Opinionated Gardener – May 21
After a busy day spent hosting GardenLine, helping customers at the garden center and doing a consultation, I arrived home close to six o’clock. A walk around Poison Ivy Acres with my camera was just the cocktail-before-cocktails that I needed.
I shot over thirty photographs, pulled a few weeds, made future planting plans and watered a couple of pots. If you’re a gardener you’ll recognize this pattern: we can never just stroll around the yard without multi-tasking, am I right?
Once I was back inside and downloaded those photos I saw that only one was worth keeping. This is the beauty of digital photographs…what would have been an entire roll of slide film used to gain only one good shot is now a couple of key strokes and formatting the card when it’s put back into the camera. Brilliant!
Several lessons are to be harvested from this cocktail hour stroll around the property:
- Gardens are calming and rejuvenating…I wish everyone could stroll through a beautiful landscape at the end of a busy day.
- There are gifts in change. Yes, there was a time when I would say that slides were better than digital photographs…I had my reasons but ultimately, I was wrong. I am blessed that I was forced to learn new ways.
- Sometimes we put effort into several directions but only one is “a keeper.” Not everything succeeds and that’s OK.