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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – July 5

There are a few shrubs in my entry garden, but this area around my front door is primarily planted with perennials. Right now there are a great deal of white flowers as the feverfew and Sedum album are in full bloom. The ‘Evan Saul’ Echinacea is opening, however, and soon the peach and coral daylilies will be out.

I throw a few annuals in this bed every year as well, and these contribute to the kaleidoscope effect later in the summer. Ageratum ‘Blue Horizon’, Spirit Frost Cleome, and deep apricot Profusion Zinnias will change this garden once again in August and September.

This garden greets me every time I get home. It is continually entertaining and evolving. Why would I want an path through a lawn and evergreen foundation plantings that remain the same twelve months a year?

My entry garden reminds me of a few of the reasons that cultivating change is positive.

As the Nepeta Six Hills Giant begins to fade, the white flowers predominate...this week.

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