Garden Reports and Rejoicing – October 15
Finally before it’s passed I remember that the fifteenth of every month is Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. I got outside with the camera before the sun went down, which is happening earlier and earlier these days. We have been blessed by regular rain, no frost as yet and moderate temperatures, so the annuals and several perennials are still very colorful. I am cherishing all the plants that are still in bloom while at the same time already planning for next year.

In addition to the Profusion Zinnias, the Jade Princess Millet, Blue Horizon Ageratum, and Russian sage are in full bloom.

Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' - a favorite with the hummingbirds.

Dendranthema 'Sheffield Pink'

I deadheaded this Nicotiana Whisper Mix right after the first flush of flowers finished, and it exploded with more blooms shortly afterwards.

Annual Alley is still full of dahlias, Ageratum, Gaura and other colorful plants.