Garden Reports and Rejoicing – October 18
One thing that I love about gardens and gardening is that it almost forces us to stay open. The garden constantly challenges our most opinionated selves, asking questions and making comments such as, “You say you don’t like Angelonia? Really? Well check this out.”
The plant that I may badmouth for awhile is the one that then shines in my garden and proves my dearly held views are just that: an assessment from one tiny perspective and not, perhaps the entire truth. This year, the Angelonia completely and totally surprised me.
Some hate this. Sadly, many humans just want to prove that they are right, dammit. They don’t want their opinions changed. That’s fine, but those folks might want to stay away from the garden.
Here them? Your plants are whispering to you: “Really? You think that this is how the natural world is? You don’t like that plant? Well check this out.”