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Garden Reports and Rejoicing – October 21

Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking Karen Bussolini to see Paul Miskovsky’s garden. Karen is a professional garden photographer, so we talked some about cameras before and after our visit to Paul’s glorious landscape. Karen had her good cameras with her when we want to the Miskovskys’ house, but I preferred to travel light on this trip, and had tucked my Canon PowerShot into my pocket.

Later in the evening I showed her a photo of some wild turkeys near my birdfeeder, and commented that the picture was taken with my cell phone. Sometimes, we agreed, the best camera is the one you have with you.

Later in the evening, as I downloaded the photos taken that day, I thought about how to take that same philosophy into the rest of life. The best garden is the one we’re tending right now. The best meal is the one that we’re eating at this moment. The best work is what we are currently doing.

Paul is a master at putting together colors and textures of foliage with stone and my pocket Canon camera captured the magic pretty well I thought.

I think this is a pretty good photo for having been shot quickly with my Samsung phone!


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