Garden Reports and Rejoicing – January 29

Sometimes they work out and sometimes not. Usually between the planning and the execution are many small steps to be taken. We get diverted, and then, if we really want to give those plans their best chance to succeed, we come back to the path we were on and continue forward. This is on my mind recently as I order seeds for the coming summer season, and work on keeping other projects on track.

Excitement has a great deal to do with how well we focus on making our plans a reality I think. When we’re enthusiastic about a project it’s easy to stay focused and put in the work necessary to advance. But passion alone isn’t enough. Sometimes plain old discipline is required.

Gardening is good practice in making plans and working toward that goal.

One of the plants I'm looking forward to growing this year is Gomphrena 'Fireworks'. The seeds have been ordered and soon I'll be planning when to sow them and where to plant the seedlings.

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