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Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 2

We can’t control much of what happens in our lives, but we can keep our eyes open for color, growth and joy. And any time we notice these gifts, even in small doses, we need to stop to acknowledge and savor them.

Throughout the day today this is what all of life was telling me. From those dear people who came to my talk at in Eastham to the bulbs that are sprouting in my garden, and a landscaper friend who called, the message came through loud and clear. Color, growth and joy are all around us.

Not that it’s always easy to hear or see that this is true. Why do we tend to focus more on what’s not happening? Why is it so tempting to emphasis what we don’t have? Reminder to self: snap out of it.

Spring is the best time to open our eyes to color, growth and joy. I snapped this photo of spring flowers in San Francisco, where it was spring in late January.



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