Garden Reports and Rejoicing – March 18
In the northeast, March is a tough month. Even after a mild winter, and even when it’s warmer than normal, we’re all longing for spring. The landscape can’t green up fast enough, right?
We can’t control the weather or hurry the seasons but we can plan and plant to make the most of March. At this time of year even small or scattered flowers lift our hearts. And smelling something fragrant in the garden? It’s transformative.
This evening when I got home from work I took a tour around the yard to find a few of the plants that are spirit lifting at this time of year. Here are just three:

These 'Pink Frost' Helebores are so beautiful that every time my husband and I look at them we say, "We have to plant more!" These are part of the Gold Collection, hellebores that have up-facing flowers. See the complete collection here:

Spring bulbs are a good investment. Put a bit of effort and time into fall planting and reap the rewards in March when you need a boost. Every time I go up the driveway these make me smile.

I'm not sure why this plant isn't more widely used in this area. Sweet box, Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis, is low-growing, evergreen, shade tolerant and tough. Even better, at this time of year it's fragrant!