Dear Nicotiana mutabilis,
This is just a quick note to say thanks, once again, for being a great plant in my garden.  You’re so reliable at showing up in early summer and then flowering from mid-summer into November. I’m very glad that you’re tolerant of light frosts because it means that you’re still around in the fall for the migrating hummingbirds that pass through. I also appreciate how sturdy you are, and how I seldom have to prop you up with sticks. I remember that I first ordered you from Avant Gardens because their catalog described the “dreamy effect to the garden” that you created and I’ve found it to be so true. And now that I know that some self-sown plants always appear sometime in June I’ve come to rely on your ever changing flowers to fill in the spaces around early flowering perennials.

Although we probably have another month together before you disappear, I wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed another summer with you in my garden.


Although I call this the "lakeside perennial bed" I always include some annuals and the Nicotiana always includes itself. Here it is mixed with some Gomphrena 'Fireworks', another favorite that deserves its own thank you note.

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