After a busy weekend at the garden center I needed a boost for Sunday night’s dinner. It was getting dark when I arrived home but when I took The Dog out I could still clearly see the vegetable garden. I knew immediately what would nourish my body and soul: going out for dinner. Out to the garden, that is.
It’s December 2nd and we’ve had many nights where the temperatures have dropped well below freezing. Nevertheless there are veggies in the garden waiting to be harvested. Kale, of course, is still going strong. The Swiss chard is also thriving along with many varieties of lettuce. For the second year in a row, however, it’s the Pak Choi that I grew from Johnny’s Seeds that are the stars of my winter veggie garden.
I harvested two heads of Pak Choi (aka Bok Choy), some kale and a handful of cilantro and knew I had the perfect evening pick-me-up. Reminder to self: plant more of this cold-hardy vegetable next August.