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A Gardening Life – March 22

  1. Since these are small bulbs they don’t have to be planted too deeply. It’s easy to dig holes for crocus, even in clay soils.
  2. Crocus self-seed and spread. There is nothing that lifts spirits more than seeing an entire lawn filled with flowers in the spring.
  3. According to Witchapedia, spring crocus are useful for all spells relating to new beginnings, and any crocus can be used in spells for “love, friendship, settling disputes, and peace.” Now that’s my kind of plant!
  4. There are several cheerful colors of crocus…check out this assortment of hues at Brent and Becky’s bulbs. Especially stylish is the combination of purple petals and orange stamens. A classic color combo!
  5. They continue to bloom despite spring snowfalls. Maybe that’s why they’re useful for “settling disputes” – they see winter and spring duke it out every year and their cheerful presence makes for a more peaceful transition.

    "Now Winter," these flowers say, "we can all get along here. Admit've had your moment and now it's time to move along and let spring in."

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