Want a tapestry of color on a dry slope? Have I got some annuals for you. I have a south-facing slope in front of my garden shed that’s been covered with mulch for the past six years that it was time to plant on this summer. It’s a spot where I seldom water next to a black asphalt driveway…a tough place for any plant. I’ve already grown and planted a lovely, spreading thyme-like perennial here with the unfortunate common name of green carpet rupturewort (Herniaria glabra). I grew this from seed three years ago and I’ve been so pleased with how it has grown and spread I’ll start more next season.
The rupturewort is a fresh green but only green…this summer I wanted color. So I planted three annuals from Proven Winners: Superbena Dark Blue, Portulaca Mohave Pink, and Mecardonia Gold Dust. These have done well with a once-every-two-weeks watering. I planted them with a combination of equal parts time-release fertilizer mixed with Flower-Tone. Next year I plan to double the size of this planting.

Love the carpet of color these three Proven Winners provide!