Report From PIA – December 6
It was my day off from the garden center, but time to help my elderly ex-neighbors. Although I no longer live across the street from them, I’ve told them that we are “neighbors for life” because they’re in their nineties and need help.
I got home around 3, the clouds had moved in, and it was already getting dark. There was a bit of drizzle in the air, and the temperature was dropping. Not a pleasant time to be outdoors.
After answering some email, I decided that although I didn’t want to work outside today, there was no reason I couldn’t enjoy the landscape. “Three times around the garden,” I told myself.
Here’s what I found: small pleasures, unexpected color, a quieting of the mind, and already signs of spring. The photos follow.
How often do we deny ourselves the pleasure of being outdoors because we think that there’s not enough time in the day? Day or night, the gifts await, and all it takes is a walk with open eyes.

I have to admit that I've resisted planting Pieris for several years...they're prone to lacebug. But now that I have Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff', all I can say is wow! I want more.

I see garlic sprouted in the veggie garden, and it reminds me that spring is already in the works.

This stone in the entry garden reminds me what three times around the garden is all about.