Report From PIA – August 3

Sometimes it’s important to get out of the usual routines, and look at something new. Here it is, the beginning of August, and we can’t really say that this summer is over, but I’m excited about a new plant I saw today, and I can hardly wait until I can put this in my garden. I had the pleasure of wandering through the demonstration gardens at Pleasant View Gardens in New Hampshire, this afternoon, and of course I fell in love.

The photo of this plant, Intensia ‘Blueberry’ from Proven Winners, doesn’t do the plant justice… although would someone please explain to my why digital photos have the same problem capturing shades of blue that film did? I played with Photoshop a bit trying to show the truer, bluer color that I saw today. In any case, this one looks fantastic and has me thinking about beginnings blending with endings.

Most of these Intensia annual phlox look wimpy in the pots in May, so their beginnings aren’t as auspicious as their endings are favorable. It’s helpful with plants, people and all other possibilities to remember that some things need time to grow into their beauty.

It’s also nice to allow ourselves opportunities to become excited about beginnings no matter where in a lifecycle everything else things to be.

When other parts of life are winding down, how lovely to focus on learning about something new.

I'll plant groups of this annual phlox in my entry garden next spring...

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