Report From An Opinionated Gardener – October 16

The temperatures are dropping steadily, so today we brought a good number of our potted plants inside. Houseplants that had been sent to “summer camp”, tender succulents, tropical varieties, and Meyer lemon trees all came indoors for the winter.

I’d intended to repot some of these plants when they went out last June. That timing would have been ideal because they would have had much needed root-room for the growing season. The summer was filled with other activities, interests and endeavors, however, so it didn’t get done.

Today I had the time, soil and new pots that transplanting requires, so I gave some of my plants a new home before they were carried inside. Might this trigger some new growth at the time of year when we want these plants to be more or less dormant? Possibly. Better to repot them now, however, then to spend another seven months being root bound.

Sometimes getting something done is more important then waiting for the perfect moment for action.

This poor Meyer lemon had been in a too small pot all summer. It would have put on more new growth, and probably bloomed more, had I repotted it in it was put in this larger pot with some Espoma organic potting soil and a handful of FlowerTone fertilizer. I'll start picking the lemons soon, and the tree should bloom in January.

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