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Report From An Opinionated Gardener – October 26

Here it is, almost November, and the front garden still looks pretty damn good. Sure, there are some things that are looking tired (Coreopsis ‘Creme Brulee’) or completely spent (Persicaria polymorpha)… but there are enough plants that look handsome even in their end-of-season decline that I love walking up to the front door.

The Calamintha nepetoides, Profusion zinnias, Heuchera ‘Pinot Gris’, Mecardonia ‘Gold Dust’ and Russian sage have all been outstanding for months. Every time I’ve been in this garden this summer I’ve blessed these plants.

A garden is a mix of the spring bloomers that lift our hearts, early summer stars that carry us into the main part of the growing season, those stalwarts that look great even when winter is near, and evergreens that are beautiful when snow-covered. Be they annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees or bulbs, I wouldn’t be without any of them.

How many other aspects in our lives are similar? We have some jobs, hobbies and friends that are there early on, and others that are close to our hearts for a lifetime. Some relationships flower early and are gone, while others are dependable through all seasons. All have their place in our life’s landscape.

But we might ask ourselves if we’re doing enough to cultivate what is steadfast. Can we better tend to those people, activities and practices that sustain us through all seasons?

The entry garden, October 26th.

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