Report From An Opinionated Gardener – January 4
While the Christmas weekend was snowy, the first Sunday of the New Year brought a welcome thaw. Within 24 hours the blanket of snow at Poison Ivy Acres was almost gone revealing a surprisingly green lawn. Temperatures in the 40’s and above caused this gardener to foolishly dream of spring.
These unseasonable thaws are little windows of hope for us all. Yes, we know that it won’t last. We’re aware that more cold and snow are likely. Still, we savor any melting of snow or ice and the lengthening of the days.
Other than this breath of expectation, what does a thaw offer us? A reminder, perhaps, that where we focus our attention can noticeably change our perceptions and experiences. We’re prompted to recall that being a bit less “frosty” we might give ourselves, and others, greater opportunities for optimism and courage. And we recollect that conditions that allow us to lean toward growth, no matter how brief, are wonderfully, blessedly life affirming.

What was a solid covering of snow was quickly reduced to small patches. The normal sight of pine needles, oak leaves and green lawn look new and surprising after a few weeks of snow cover.