Sep 23, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, vegetables, What's for dinner?
One of the joys of the September vegetable garden is the glut of tomatoes. Large, small, red, yellow and green, they hang from the plants even as those vines succumb to cooling temperatures and blight. Our meals at this time of year tend to be tomato celebrations...
Sep 17, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens, plants I love
Two plants stole the show last weekend when my garden was open as a fundraiser for the Barnstable Education Foundation. Their habit is completely different, but they were the most asked-about varieties. Lespedeza thunbergii ‘Gibraltar’ is a perennial that...
Sep 10, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
Want a tapestry of color on a dry slope? Have I got some annuals for you. I have a south-facing slope in front of my garden shed that’s been covered with mulch for the past six years that it was time to plant on this summer. It’s a spot where I seldom...
Sep 2, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, What's for dinner?
It’s often thought that living in a country where you can buy lettuce, strawberries or broccoli twelve months a year is a blessing and we are more healthy for it. Maybe we are and maybe not. There are some who believe that we should only “eat in...
Aug 25, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love, products I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, What's for dinner?
When summer squash does well the gardener is usually overrun. We look for recipes that use lots of zucchini or patty-pans and give them away to friends, coworkers and the teller at the bank’s drive-up window. But all the summer and winter squashes are prone to...
Jul 12, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
Writers are often warned to use exclamation points very sparingly. In fact, some say that every writer should only be issued three to use for that writer’s entire life! Whoops, there’s one! OMG…now I’ve used up two! No, three…I haven’t even started to rave about a...