May 8, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
A Gardening Life – May 8 Nearly all of my consultation clients want more color in their landscapes and who can blame them. Nature’s neutral is the color green…a lovely hue but so ubiquitous that we take it granted as the background of our lives....
Apr 14, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
A Gardening Life – April 14 Every year in the early spring I fall in love with Anemone blanda. “I should plant more of these,” I say to myself. The intense purplish blue flowers would be appreciated any month that they might open in the garden, but they are...
Mar 23, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens, plants I love, vegetables
A Gardening Life – March 23 We are harvesting lettuce daily from our solar heated shed. It faces south and is insulated, so once the sun is warm in February it doesn’t go below freezing inside the building. The Smart Pots we used this year were moved...
Feb 11, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love, What's for dinner?
The Gardening Life – February 11 If you are a gardener, one of the joys of winter can be picked off of an indoor citrus tree. Large, round, fragrant Meyer lemons are waiting to be harvested in my kitchen right now and I’ll have several more ripening over the...
Feb 7, 2013 | A Gardening Life, plants I love
A Gardening Life – February 7th It’s off that I never came across hardy hibiscus early in my gardening years. Strange given how showy, reliable, and easy this perennial is. There weren’t as many varieties of Hibiscus moscheutos around then, but...
Jan 10, 2013 | A Gardening Life, my gardens, plants I love
A Gardening Life – January 10 Some years ago when Calibrachoa (aka “million bells”) annuals were new to the market I tried some in the garden and containers. I don’t remember the particular varieties that I planted that year, but I do recall that they were a...