Aug 2, 2012 | As I See It, Life's Gardens, Pet Peeves
Would you hesitate to buy a puppy or kitten because sometime in the future your pet might die? And if that dog or cat got sick should you be allowed to return it to the breeder and get your money back? I think that most people would answer “no” to both those...
Aug 17, 2011 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, Report From An Opinionated Gardener
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – August 17 So what do you think…are gardeners more willing to take chances? Is this true only in the landscape or does their willingness to explore possibilities without regard to likely outcomes extends into the rest of...
Mar 19, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – March 19 Today’s garden speaks to me about taking risks and taking charge. It was an usually warm, sunny day today… the type of weather that makes us think that spring has positively arrived. It is a tease, of course, but we gardeners took...