Sep 1, 2010 | growing the spirit, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From An Opinionated Gardener
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – September 1 My friend Wendy used to joke that we should all “move one husband to the left.” I remember this today as I decide if I want to continue with a daily Report From Poison Ivy Acres, or if I want a change of view. It...
Oct 4, 2009 | Garden Celebrations, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – October 4 Today I celebrated the harvest. I started the day by reading the posts on a couple of the blogs links on this page. I clicked on Coffee and Chemo, and Toto, finding that each post was about the Jewish celebration of Succot. After...
Sep 20, 2009 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Report From PIA
Report From PIA – September 20 Our brown turkey figs ripen in September. I pull the tree into the unheated garage once the foliage yellows in the fall, and drag it out again in April. This tree usually makes a first crop of figs in the early spring, and these...