Jul 8, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Inspiration, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – July 8 Look at your landscape as the sun sets. Where does the light fall? If there is a place on your property that is illuminated by the setting sun, you need a Cocktail Hour Garden. This is the area where plants will be backlit...
Jun 14, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 14 One aspect of garden design is creating ways for the colors of plants to have conversations. When we put plants together we aim for contrasting colors and textures, but we also look for repetition…we find ways for a plant’s...
Feb 8, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Inspiration, Life's Gardens
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – February 8 Every once in awhile I open a folder on my desktop that is labeled “core beliefs/values.” I don’t know about you, but I find that it’s easy to lose track of such convictions when dealing with everyday life. Sometimes I...
Jan 23, 2012 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Inspiration
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – January 23 The title of this post seems like a contradiction, but hear me out. We have a narrow lot. Although the total isn’t small by Cape Cod standards, the overall property is long and thin. This shape presents several...
Dec 28, 2011 | Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Pet Peeves
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – December 28 Good design is always a plus, but a garden should have just a bit more, I think. Most people have at least some personal touches inside their houses, for example. Why not outside? Even a landscape that is designed by...