Jun 8, 2012 | Garden Celebrations, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, my gardens, plants I love
Garden Reports and Rejoicing – June 8 Many of my clients want perennials because they mistakenly believe that these plants are less work than annuals. Gardeners know that some perennials take more involvement than annuals, and that a perennial garden takes...
Jun 18, 2011 | my gardens, plants I love, Report From An Opinionated Gardener
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – June 18 Do you know the song Popular from the musical Wicked? This tune was running through my head after a facebook conversation with Barry Glick of Sunshine Farm and Gardens. I sent him a message via fb asking about the...
May 4, 2011 | my gardens, Pet Peeves, Report From An Opinionated Gardener
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – May 4 As I walk around my gardens at Poison Ivy Acres and past neighboring properties, I’m reminded that planting in puddles is a practical design choice. Many people choose to use a line of plants as a border but if they’re...
Oct 26, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love, Report From An Opinionated Gardener
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – October 26 Here it is, almost November, and the front garden still looks pretty damn good. Sure, there are some things that are looking tired (Coreopsis ‘Creme Brulee’) or completely spent (Persicaria polymorpha)… but there...
Sep 8, 2010 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, plants I love, Report From PIA
Report From An Opinionated Gardener – September 8 If you’ve got a shade garden, you need Kirengeshoma palmata. If you’ve got the room….yellow wax bells grows three to four feet tall in my gardens, and about six feet wide. A large plant, true, but one that...