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Treasure Awaits

Treasure Awaits

Report From An Opinionated Gardener – June 28 I spent the day on Nantucket, and had a wonderful time speaking at Bartlett’s Farm. I was wowed by Bartlett’s growing operation (veggies, herbs, and garden plants), impressed and thrilled to see Chris and Bob...
Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Report From PIA – September 22 – on assignment in Raleigh, NC I always get inspired when I travel. Yes, some of this is because I’m seeing new things and places. I also have more time to just brainstorm when I’m sitting in an airport or a plane…there...
A Busman’s Holiday

A Busman’s Holiday

Recently, a friend asked to see pictures from our trip to Europe. I got my laptop, and we started clicking through the photographs. “Wait….” my friend says, “these are all photos of gardens.” “No,” I reply, here’s one of people doing Tai Chi.” “Yeah, in a garden,” she...
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