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Gardens And…

Gardens And…

Report From An Opinionated Gardener – December 23 When I first heard about Garden & Gun magazine, I thought it was a joke. What are the articles about, I wondered…deadheading daffodils from 300 feet? Slug control as target practice? Turns out to be a...
Gardening Secrets

Gardening Secrets

Report From PIA – July 23 The first disagreement I ever had with a publisher was over a subtitle. They wanted to put something like “Gardening Secrets You Can Use,” on one of my books, and I strongly objected. The publisher’s point was the people buy books that...
Gardening and Twitter

Gardening and Twitter

Report From PIA – February 6 As you know from my post of February 3rd, I appreciate twitter because it connects people. Today I noticed a tweet by Frederic A Brussat that contained a link to a post listing twenty-five reasons that twitter is spiritual. I read...
Roots, Twitter, and Hopeful Connections

Roots, Twitter, and Hopeful Connections

Report From PIA – February 3 I’m attending New England Grows, a green-industry trade show in Boston. I heard Bill Cullina speak this afternoon, and attended a tweet-up this evening, and once again find that almost magically events come together for this blog. I...
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