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There is something that is just so perfect about a birdhouse in a garden. Perhaps it’s because such avian dwellings usually look like miniature houses where people might live… if they could fly. Maybe it’s because those who love flowers almost always enjoy birds as well, or it could be that it’s merely the contrast between a solid, man-made object and all of that plant matter that’s satisfying. No matter. A birdhouse is the perfect ornament for people to enjoy and an ideal shelter for the birds.

This stunning bird house was made by Bobby Hallstein, a local artist who works with wood. Bobby has donated this house to the Barnstable Education Foundation. Donations to the BEF will get you a chance to win this ornament. Go to their website - link below - for more information.

Details about how you could win Hallstein’s stunning birdhouse can be found on the Events Page at the Barnstable Education Foundation website.

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