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Jump-Starting New Beginnings

Jump-Starting New Beginnings

It has been my great pleasure to write here for five years, finding the ways that everything comes together in the garden. From thoughts about finding peace and meditation in the landscape to actual planting and plant advice posting here has been great fun. Sometimes,...
The Best of Whole Life Gardening

The Best of Whole Life Gardening

Which would be, of course, you. The best of Whole Life Gardening is all the people who have followed this blog over the past few years. I am grateful to you beyond measure…and we’ve had fun, haven’t we? Now I’m planting new gardens: a link to...
Birdhouses and Gardens

Birdhouses and Gardens

There is something that is just so perfect about a birdhouse in a garden. Perhaps it’s because such avian dwellings usually look like miniature houses where people might live… if they could fly. Maybe it’s because those who love flowers almost always...
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