Jan 22, 2014 | A Gardening Life, Another Polular Misconception, As I See It, Bloggers Bloom Day, Bloggers You Can Grow That! Day, flummoxed on friday, Garden Celebrations, Garden Prayer, Garden Reports and Rejoicing, Garden Wedding, Grateful Gardeners Book Club, growing the spirit, Inspiration, Life's Gardens, my gardens, Perennial Maintenance, Pet Peeves, Plant Something!, plants I hate, plants I love, products I hate, products I love, Reasons To Grow Your Own Vegetables, Report From An Opinionated Gardener, Report From PIA, Things I Hate About Your Garden, Uncategorized, vegetables, What's for dinner?, wordless Wednesday, You Can Grow That!
Which would be, of course, you. The best of Whole Life Gardening is all the people who have followed this blog over the past few years. I am grateful to you beyond measure…and we’ve had fun, haven’t we? Now I’m planting new gardens: a link to...
Nov 4, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Plant Something!, plants I love, You Can Grow That!
Your garden has the power to grow smiles. Whether you have a huge property or containers on the balcony, in all most seasons of the year you are cultivating the potential for surprising acts of cheer and kindness. We have the power to make someone’s day in the...
Oct 28, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Another Polular Misconception, Life's Gardens, Plant Something!
Promoting your new book or product? Do you want your local media to talk about your event, business or cause? Here are 4 tips from a writer/radio host who gets pitched to all the time: 1. Never send a press release as an attachment. These get dumped without even...
Oct 8, 2013 | Life's Gardens, my gardens, Pet Peeves, Plant Something!
For those concrete thinkers among you I must declare up front: I’m not just talking about plants and gardening here. In every place that I mention something horticultural you could substitute something else that you’ve killed and get the message. Think about that job...
Feb 4, 2013 | Plant Something!, You Can Grow That!
Imagine living in a kaleidoscope of colors: rich violet or midnight blues, sunny yellows, calming lavender and heart-stopping pinks. The shades slowly appear and change around you, set against a background of soothing, lush greens. Color? Love it…and you can grow...
Jan 27, 2013 | A Gardening Life, Plant Something!
A Gardening Life – January 27 My friend John Sullivan made this video for Plant Something Massachusetts. Set to a very hummable song written by Andy Rapo, the purpose of the project is to promote plants and gardening. A noble goal, wouldn’t you agree? When John...