Report From Pia – December 12
My commitment to blog every day has been a wonderful thing. Yes, there have been a few times when I’ve sat down at the end of the day and thought, “Now what?” There is always something to write about in the garden, of course. The challenge, however, is to try and take it further…to start in the garden and see what is there for the rest of life.
There have been four days when I’ve come up dry, and have turned to my photo library to look at other people’s gardens. Each time, inspiration strikes, and I come across an idea that I find useful, and I think others will too. So I guess that I haven’t come up dry after all, but have learned that if what is being sought isn’t immediately found right in front of me, to look to other sources with open eyes. Inspiration is everywhere, waiting to be seen.

This photo was taken in Sylvia Redwine's lovely garden in North Carolina. When I took the picture I was on my way to the bus, and didn't think about what I was seeing. But today I realized how brilliant this up and over the window trellis really is. It proves that you can grow climbing or vining plants even where you have odd angles and small spaces. See how this one not only climbs above the window, but away from the house and under the overhang. Brilliant!