Report From An Opinionated Gardener – September 27
I remember about a time when a fellow master gardener told me that she was delighted at how a particular planting looked in June. In front of a wall covered by variegated Euonymus and flowering Clematis, the tulips and wallflowers she’d planted were perfectly complimentary in colors and form, and the garden was exquisite beyond her imaginings.
Anyone who works on a painting, garden, sculpture, song or other creation will tell you that there are times when magic happens. Yes, thought, energy and talent are applied, but beyond that, there is something mysterious that occurs. When this takes place, we can only be grateful.
We see this in photography as well, and this happened to me yesterday as I was taking pictures of the wild turkeys that were parading through Poison Ivy Acres. At one point an overexposed, unfocused shot produced the perfect picture: impressionist turkeys in the garden.
Sometimes it happens in an interaction between people. We experience it in a production, performance or a random event. Everything magically comes together and we’re left saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”