Report From An Opinionated Gardener – July 10

As I was downloading photos of my garden this evening I checked in with my garden writing group on facebook. Derek Powazek wrote about Julie Bass’s struggle to grow vegetables in her front yard in Oak Park, Michigan. It seems that the town and city planner have taken the position that a veggie garden isn’t appropriate landscaping and now Julie could face a 93 day jail sentence for not having a lawn.

Hello, Oak Park officials, where have you been the past few years? Do the terms slow food, locovore, urban homesteading, or organic vegetables not ring even a dim bell with you? Have you read about the waste of resources and harmful poisons, that go into the average American lawn? Have you not heard about the interest in gardening safely, and with a positive purpose?

Not surprisingly, garden lovers are rallying around Julie and spreading the word about this insanity. Pentimento Mama’s blog has a list of contact emails so people can write the Oak Park Mayor, City Manager and City Planner. Julie Bass has a blog and facebook page. If you agree that vegetable beds are at least equal to lawns in beauty and desirability, check these out and express your support.

Thanks, Derek Powazek, for the graphic.


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